The Software Works for Us and Not the Other Way Around

How Penn State leverages Nuventive to reinforce and demonstrate principles of planning.

Good principles around planning afford organizational resiliency in the face of change. Penn State began with definitions and the framework, then plans, and then introduced the software to reflect and amplify both the framework and plans. They now have the ability to see progress for the entire University, including 24 different locations.

Webinar Highlights

1) How the support and involvement of leadership is key to the process.

2) How the ownership people demonstrate about their plans, allows Penn State to trace their local contributions to the University level and see the entire University in interesting and helpful ways.

3) How a sound structure affords the opportunity to identify, resonate or adapt to new priorities including, for example, leadership transition.

4) Side benefits of the approach and some unexpected ways in which the plans and software are being used.


How Penn State leverages Nuventive to reinforce and demonstrate principles of planning. A sound structure affords the opportunity to identify, resonate or adapt to new priorities.

Length: 38 minutes


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Victor Valley College – Nuventive Webinar

Going Beyond the Limits

The team at Victor Valley College has gone beyond the limits in customizing their Nuventive Improvement Platform system. They have added custom forms, reports, and processes to the system in order to institutionalize their practices. Watch the VVC team give a tour of what they have been up to in dreaming and going beyond the limits.

Length: 59 minutes

Location: Victorville, California

Nuventive Solutions: Nuventive Improvement Platform

Overview: Victor Valley College has been able to strengthen and standardize its program review process, as well as learn how to build on data to realize the school’s vision.

Value: “The biggest victory for us was getting everyone onto the same software.” – Julia Wendt, Ph.D., Professor of Cooperative Education, Victor Valley College.


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Data-Informed Improvement through the Lens of the Academic Leader – Nuventive Webinar

“Data-Informed Improvement through the Lens of the Academic Leader”

Data can be like a magnifying glass, which is both good and bad, depending upon which side of the lens you’re on. Either you see things more clearly, or you feel uncomfortably under surveillance. True leaders know that transparency is the best way to go, vs. struggling to hide unflattering information – the news is probably out there anyway. The key is to facilitate the successful use of information by faculty, staff, and leaders to collaboratively tackle problem areas. As faculty and deans come and go, it’s critical to understand where you’ve been, what you’ve tried, and where to focus efforts for improvement, so you can help deliver on your institution’s objectives.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

1) How data is tied to the academic structure and strategic plans

2) How best to present data to various constituencies, including faculty and boards

3) How to have the right data readily available for the decisions at hand

4) How to manage personnel transitions and keep the focus on using data-informed improvement


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As faculty and deans come and go, it’s critical to understand where you’ve been, what you’ve tried, and where to focus efforts for improvement, so you can help deliver on your institution’s objectives.

Length: 57 minutes

The Human Factor – The Last Mile in AI

The Human Factor – The Last Mile in AI

This content area Every day, across your institution, key initiatives are in the works to improve the lives and outcomes of students, the performance of your organization, and your impact on the broader world.  Information from artificial intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI) solutions are powerful assets, surely.  However, in many cases, it means little unless it is tied to priorities and outcomes in a way that is accessible and usable by humans in the moment when decisions are being made.

Today, there is unprecedented potential to bring your institution’s best thinking together with the best information in a way that is consistent, scalable, and designed to foster continuous progress. That potential is brought about through “data-informed improvement” technology.
This engaging discussion will explore the concept of closing the metaphorical “last mile” between data systems and your faculty and staff’s best thinking to support truly data-informed institutional improvement. 
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